Success isn’t something that happens on accident. An old African Proverbs reminds us that tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.
Define Growing Spaces (Where)
- Add Fields as a baseline to build cost profitability models. For example, how much more profit per square foot is in my high tunnel than my outdoor fields.
- Beds and Rows create specific areas that are used to optimize plantings.
- Automatically define a set of sequential beds.
- When Defined, Bed Capacities allow us to better understand and plan successions.
Define Plantings (When)
- Associate a Plant and a Bed to a date, calculating the important dates automatically.
- Flexible Scheduling allows you to schedule plantings to be harvested on a specific date, or transplants to be moved to the growing areas when the frost dates have passed.
- Automatically Create Successions – add a planting of Sunflowers every two weeks.
- Create reports to review when seeds need to be purchased, and when flowers are expected to be harvested.
Define Plants (What)
- Build a database of flowers and varieties that your farm will grow.
- Create standard planting and harvest instructions for your team – a single source to understand the complexities of each plant.
- Select from a list of predefined plants from our community to add to your flower database.
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